Emergency Purchases

The State of Illinois allows the University to make emergency procurements in excess
of the solicitation threshold (greater than $100,000) without competitive solicitation
or prior notice when any of the following conditions exist:
- a threat to public health or public safety
- when immediate expenditure is necessary for repairs to State property in order to
protect against further loss of or damage to State property
- to prevent or minimize serious disruption in critical State services that affect health,
safety, or collection of substantial State revenues
- to ensure the integrity of State records
If these conditions are encountered and an emergency purchase is required, please
contact Procurement Services to begin the Emergency Purchase process before any vendor
performs or delivers.
If any of the above conditions are identified and the estimated cost of a necessary
purchase is less than $100,000 the need does not meet the criteria for an Emergency
Purchase with the State of Illinois. Procurement Services will expedite these small
purchases for fastest possible results. CSU is not required to file documentation
declaring an Emergency Purchase with the State in these cases.